
Why People Dislike the Google Analytics 4 User Interface


Do you want to know Why People Dislike the Google Analytics 4 User Interface? Google Analytics has long been a popular tool for website owners and marketers to gain insights into their online presence and audience behaviour. However, with the introduction of Google Analytics 4 (GA4), users have expressed a significant level of dissatisfaction with the new user interface (UI). In this blog post, we will explore some of the reasons why people have been critical of the GA4 UI and the challenges they have faced during the transition.

Complexity and Learning Curve:

One of the primary reasons people have expressed frustration with the GA4 UI is its increased complexity and steep learning curve. The previous version of Google Analytics had a more straightforward and intuitive interface, which many users had grown accustomed to. However, GA4 introduced a more advanced set of features and a redesigned interface that requires users to invest time in understanding and adapting to the new system. This shift has resulted in a certain level of resistance and frustration among long-time users.

Lack of Familiarity:

Another aspect that has contributed to the dislike of the GA4 UI is the lack of familiarity compared to the previous version. The new interface differs significantly from the Classic Analytics (Universal Analytics) UI, and users who were comfortable with the older version find it challenging to navigate and locate specific features or reports. This lack of familiarity has caused confusion and inefficiency in analyzing data, impacting the overall user experience.

Limited Customization Options:

Many users have expressed disappointment with the limited customization options available in the GA4 UI. Customization was a significant strength of the previous version, allowing users to create tailored reports, dashboards, and segments according to their specific needs. In GA4, these customization options have been significantly reduced, making it difficult for users to generate detailed reports or extract data that aligns with their unique requirements. This lack of flexibility has hindered the ability to derive valuable insights from the data.

Transition Challenges:

For users who have migrated from the previous version of Google Analytics to GA4, the transition process has not been seamless. The migration often involves restructuring tracking codes, reconfiguring goals, and updating integrations, resulting in a time-consuming and complex process. Additionally, some features and reports available in the Classic Analytics UI are either missing or have been replaced in GA4, leaving users to find alternative ways to achieve the same outcomes. These transition challenges have added to the frustration surrounding the GA4 UI.

Incomplete Feature Set:

Although GA4 is continually evolving, many users have noted that certain essential features are still missing or less robust compared to the Classic Analytics UI. For example, e-commerce tracking, event tracking, and goal configuration are areas where users have encountered limitations or difficulties. The absence of these crucial features not only affects day-to-day analysis but also impacts the ability to measure and optimize marketing campaigns effectively.


The introduction of Google Analytics 4 brought significant changes to the user interface, which has resulted in widespread criticism and discontent among users. The increased complexity, lack of familiarity, limited customization options, challenges in transitioning, and incomplete feature set are key factors contributing to the dissatisfaction surrounding the GA4 UI. While it is important to embrace innovation and progress, Google should consider addressing these concerns and provide users with a more intuitive and customizable experience to ensure a smoother transition and a better overall user experience.

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